Past Projects

Trial development, management and evaluation

  Project Overview This project will provide training for 15 South Australian farming system groups in the design, implementation and evaluation of effective trial and demonstration sites to achieve…

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Snail Monitoring

  Project Overview This project will provide farmers with better information to assist them manage snail populations that are damaging newly emerging crops. The project will engage farmers, researchers…

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Women in Leadership – Emerging Leaders

  The Ag Excellence Alliance Women in Leadership program is aimed at developing and encouraging women to become leaders and coaches in regional communities. Additional information can be found…

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Growing Leaders – building stronger groups

  Project Overview Farming system groups report poor succession of committees and boards with a lack of leadership and governance training opportunities for staff and committee members. This leads…

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Remote Snail Sensing

  Project Brief Increasing snail populations are damaging emerging crops and pastures, lowering produce quality & causing management practices which increase erosion risk. Controlling snails before egg laying is…

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Social Media in Agriculture

  Project Overview SocialMedia in Agriculture is an innovative project that will explore the use of social media (You Tube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, RSS, etc.) as an extension tool.…

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Grain & Graze 2

  Project Brief: The project aims to achieve practice change amongst farmers by increasing their knowledge and skills. The project acknowledges the importance and impact of advisers and uses…

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Improved Communication of N&Y NRM Outcomes through use of Social Media

  Project Brief Ag Ex will work with key grower groups, organisations and N&Y NRM staff and volunteers to improve engagement and communication of NRM outcomes in the Northern…

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Stepping in to Leadership Training Program

Project Brief This program will enable women in agriculture and agribusiness across South Australia to participate in professional development building personal leadership skills. Ongoing support will also be provided…

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Managing Climate Variability

  Project Brief The objective of the National Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative is to establish a network of farms to demonstrate strategies for grain farming systems that address adaptation…

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