
Smart Farming Partnerships Cover Crops

About the Project Crop intensive farming systems are running down soil carbon levels, requiring increased inputs to maintain or increase yield without necessarily improving profitability. Mixed species cover cropping…

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Riverland Mesonet

Riverland & Mallee Mesonet About the Project The Riverland & Mallee Mesonet is a state of the art automatic weather station network developed with significant financial support from Primary…

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Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator

Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator – Northern and Yorke Ag Excellence Alliance hosts the Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF) for the Northern and Yorke region. There…

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Mid North Mesonet

  About the Project The Mid North Mesonet was a pilot project established in the Mid North of South Australia. The network of 41 Profiling Automatic Weather Stations (Profiling…

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Carbon Farming

The Carbon Farming Knowledge project has proven to be extremely effective in engaging 30 farm advisers who are the key influencers of farmers across southeastern Australia. The aim was to build their knowledge, understanding, and attitude to reduce GHG emissions on farm and store carbon across the farming landscape. In three years, the project has shifted the advisers and a majority of their farmer clients from ignorance and skeptics of carbon farming to where they are now actively engaged in positive discussions on how farm practices can be changed to reduce emissions and build carbon in soils and vegetation.

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Soil Acidity

  Soil acidity in South Australia Within South Australia (State and regional maps) more than two million hectares of agricultural land are susceptible to soil acidification that degrades the…

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Ag Ex future needs and funding for grower groups workshop August 2015

  Future needs and funding for grower groups was the focus of the Ag Excellence workshop held recently in Adelaide. Presentations by a diverse range of industry representatives set…

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Telling Your Story

  This project aims to assist farming systems group and NRM personnel to develop writing skills around telling the story of their topic/project etc. The first stage of this…

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Production and Environment Partnerships

  Project Overview Ag Excellence Alliance is leading an innovative project to bring together grains industry and natural resources management (NRM) people to work together in extending sustainable farm practices…

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Smartphone Apps for Smart Farmers v2

Project Brief The aim of this project is to update the 2012 publication “Smartphone Apps for smart Farmers”, and provide ongoing updates via a new page on the Ag…

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