Ag Excellence News and Updates

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Crop Sensors

March 17, 2013

Precision Ag – Leighton Wilksch talks about Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Sam Trengove talks about crop sensors.

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Using Site Specific Crop Management for Precision Ag

March 17, 2013

Leighton Wilksch talks about Precision Ag Management, using site specific crop management (SSCM).

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Facts About Native Bees in Australia

March 15, 2013

Katja Hogendoorn, from the University of Adelaide, discuses native bees in Australia and their importance for our natural environment. Native bees have co-evolved with native plants for millions of years…

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Native bees in cropping systems

March 15, 2013

Katja Hogendoorn, from the University of Adelaide, discusses native bees in broad acre cropping systems. There are several native bee species that will pollinate crops. Yield increases can be…

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No Till Following Pastures

March 12, 2013

Chris McDonough, from Rural Solutions SA, speaks about many of the key messages, benefits and results which have been discovered following the project investigating No-till cropping following pastures.

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Reduce Water Logging Through Planned Drainage Systems

March 12, 2013

Precision Agriculture’s Andrew Whitlock speaks about strategies to manage water logging through planned drainage systems.

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Managing Soil Acidity by Targeting Lime to Low PH Zones

March 12, 2013

Precision Agriculture’s Andrew Whitlock speaks about the problem of soil acidity, and how to manage it.

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Cell Grazing System in Low Rainfall Areas

March 3, 2013

Neil and Antoinette Sleep and their family manage a 3,600 ha grazing property near Peterborough in the Upper North of South Australia. Their cell grazing system is managed to…

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Biodiversity in low rainfall grazing systems of South Australia

March 3, 2013

Encouraging native species in grazing systems in the Upper North of South Australia has provided many benefits in terms of soil health, biodiversity conservation and production. Achieving and maintaining…

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Cell Grazing in Low Rainfall

March 3, 2013

Neil Sleep discusses the cell grazing system he has developed on the family farm near Peterborough in the Upper North of South Australia with Michael Wurst from Rural Solutions…

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