Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings kick off with view to 2023
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meetings kick off with view to 2023
The SA Drought Hub has formed Stakeholder Advisory Groups at the Loxton, Port Augusta, Minnipa and Orroroo Nodes to bring together industry partners, Hub member organisations and local producers. These groups are an extension of the Hub partnership and support the co-design and delivery of activities that focus on innovation and adoption. They will meet three or four times per year and will advise the node coordinator on drought resilience needs and priorities, collaboration opportunities, feedback and progress on hub activities, and identification of emerging issues and future projects. Stakeholder Advisory Groups will be established soon in Roseworthy and Struan. For further details, contact Node Team Leader Kym Walton.

Loxton Node
The Loxton Node of the SA Drought Hub held its inaugural Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting at the Loxton Research Centre on 6 September with representation from Hub partners, farmers and pastoralists John Gladigau, Director at Grain Producers SA, has been appointed as the inaugural chair.
The first meeting focused on governance, purpose and process matters associated with the group and encouraged partners to collaborate on ideas for projects to commence in 2023.
Stakeholder Advisory Group members and partner organisations:
- Kym Walton | SA Drought Hub
- Matt Humphrey | National Emergency Management Agency
- Andrew Biele | Mallee Sustainable Farming
- Richard Saunders | Pinion Advisory
- Mandy Tennant | Regional Development Australia Murraylands Riverland
- John Gladigau | Grain Producers SA
- Zoe Starkey | Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
- Deanna Lush | Murray Plains Farmers
- Melissa McCallum | South Australian Research and Development Institute
- Anthony Pfitzner | Coomandook & Point Pass Ag Bureau
- Tim Paschke | Lowbank Ag Bureau
Minnipa Node
The Minnipa Node’s inaugural Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting had to compete with rare favourable spraying conditions, which forced apologies from two of the group’s grower members. Nevertheless, Minnipa Node Coordinator Fiona Tomney hosted a positive gathering at the Kimba Gateway Hotel on 12 September. With support from Hub Knowledge Broker Tony Randall, the meeting focused on briefing the new group members about SA Drought Hub goals, activities and plans. Justine Major, Recovery Support Officer at the National Emergency Management Agency, was appointed inaugural chair.
Stakeholder Advisory Group members and partner organisations:
- Fiona Tomney | SA Drought Hub
- Naomi Scholz | Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula
- Symon Allen | Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group
- Amanda Cook | South Australian Research and Development Institute
- Justine Major | National Emergency Management Agency
- Tim Breur | Landscapes SA
- Gareth Scholz | Minnipa Ag Bureau
- Matthew Cook | Minnipa Farmer
- Matthew Dunn | Rudall Farmer
- Jasmin Piggott | Cowell Farmer
Orroroo Node
The Orroroo Node’s first Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting took place on 14 September. It was attended by seven group members as well as SA Drought Hub representatives Director Stephen Lee, Knowledge Broker Tony Randall and Port Augusta Node Coordinator Melissa Horgan. Local grazier Geoff Power has been appointed group chair for a 12-month term.
Stakeholder Advisory Group members and partner organisations:
- Jo Risdale | SA Drought Hub
- Geoff Power | Grazier; SA Dog Fence Board
- Jim Kuerschner | Farmer
- Grant Chapman | Farmer; Chair; Upper North Drought Community Action Group
- Kate Pearce | Northern and Yorke Landscape Board
- Andy Feven / Holly McCoy | National Emergency Response Management
- James Heaslip | Farmer, Grain Producers SA, Upper North Farming Systems
- Jane Kellock | Farmer; Sheep & Cattle Industry Blueprint; SA Livestock Research Council
- Sarah Day | SARDI
Port Augusta Node
The inaugural meeting of the Port Augusta Node Stakeholder Advisory Group occurred on 13 September 2022 in Port Augusta. Hub Director Dr Stephen Lee and Knowledge Broker Tony Randall provided an overview of the SA Drought Hub program, outlining the hub objectives, activities, partners and co-design workshops. The node priorities identified during the co-design workshops and the 2022 node projects generated valuable discussion and ideas for future projects. Pastoralist Bill McIntosh was appointed inaugural chair, with Mark Fennell as deputy.
Stakeholder Advisory Group members and partner organisations:
- Melissa Horgan | SA Drought Hub
- Matt Humphrey | National Emergency Management Agency
- Jodie Gregg-Smith | SA Arid Lands Landscape Board
- Cherie Gerlach | SA Arid Lands Landscape Board
- Donnagh Clarke | Pastoralist
- Mark Fennell | Pastoralist and Pastoral Board Member
- David Bell | Pastoralist and Livestock SA
- Claire Wiseman | Regional Development Australia Far North
- Bill McIntosh | Pastoralist
- Anne Collins | AC Ag Consulting Co and Producer
- Jodie Reseigh | Sheep Connect SA