Drought hub node coordinators appointed
The SA Drought Hub is thrilled to announce the appointment of four Node Coordinators

KYM WALTON | Loxton Node Coordinator & Team Leader
[Low Rainfall / Irrigated Agriculture]
Kym has over 24 years’ experience in the water and environment industry, having worked in program management, regional service delivery, regulation, policy, and compliance roles with the South Australian Government. Raised in the Riverland at Loxton, Kym’s interest is to be involved in delivering needed solutions to industry at a regional scale.
He has worked with regional communities across SA on water allocation, water policy, drought support and emergency management responses to develop practical outcomes. He brings extensive facilitation, engagement, communication and strategic skills to the SA Drought Hub.
kym.walton@sa.gov.au | M 0488 020 715
Loxton Research Centre, 1801 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton

FIONA TOMNEY | Minnipa Node Coordinator
[Low Rainfall]
Fiona is a Research Officer with PIRSA-SARDI based at Minnipa with her research focusing on dryland farming systems, especially annual legume pastures. Fiona is an EP local, living at Chandada on a sheep/wheat property with her farmer husband and two sons who both work in agriculture. She has first-hand experience in managing drought conditions.
Fiona's interests outside of work include a love of animals, especially horses and dogs, and she competes in low-level dressage. Fiona is driven by sharing her knowledge to assist others in a practical way and is constantly keen to expand her regional networks.
fiona.tomney@sa.gov.au | M 0459 857 691
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, 226 McKenzie Road, Minnipa

MELISSA HORGAN | Port Augusta Node Coordinator
Melissa has worked in natural resource management for more than 20 years, holding a variety of roles focusing on the environment, sustainable agriculture and water management, particularly within the pastoral and low rainfall mixed farming zones of the Upper Mid North and Eyre Peninsula.
Melissa has an enduring interest in the rangelands, its unique landscapes and plants, and has worked with a diverse range of stakeholders to deliver various programs and projects across the region for the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board. Working with different stakeholder groups, Melissa recognises the importance of maintaining relationships to understand community priorities and provide opportunities for genuine co-design of solutions.
fiona.tomney@sa.gov.au | M 0459 857 691
Uni Hub, 52 Commercial Road, Port Augusta

[Low Rainfall}
Born and bred on a pastoral property in the Northern Flinders Ranges, Joanne has a background working in the arid pastoral environment and is embedded in her local community in various professional and volunteer capacities. With properties in the Upper Mid North and arid lands, Joanne understands the issues faced by the pastoral and farming communities and the effects of drought on people and the land.
She is passionate about livestock management and increasing adoption and has a thorough understanding of the climatic issues faced by producers. Her first-hand experience of living and working on the land combined with her association with the industry on a personal and professional level provides Joanne with an enhanced appreciation of the needs of farmers and graziers.
joanne.risdale@sa.gov.au | M 0447 132 268
5431 Collective, 9 Second Street, Orroroo