Ag Excellence News and Updates

Experienced leaders appointed to drive growth at Mallee Sustainable Farming

April 12, 2023

Mallee Sustainable Farming has made some exciting new appointments! The new Chair, Steve Burt, and Specialist Director, David Campbell, bring valuable experience and expertise to the table, which will be instrumental in driving business growth.

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Grain Producers Australia welcomes new China barley market process

April 11, 2023

Grain Producers Australia welcomes new moves with the potential to expedite re-commencement of Australian barley exports to China.

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SA Student Compendium – Bigger & Better

April 1, 2023

The 2023 Student Compendium was launched with a great vibe on Thursday, 30th March 2023 to a crowd of 60 people with a 50:50 mix of 1,2,3rd year University students and professionals from various ag sectors.

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Ag Excellence Forum & Awards to be held biennually

March 29, 2023

South Australia’s premier grower group forum will move to a biannual event in 2024. Ag Excellence (Ag Ex) will continue to provide a valuable network hub for grower groups with the introduction of an EO Network forum on alternate years.

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Primary Industries Scorecard 2021-22

March 19, 2023

Testament to the resilience of South Australia’s primary producers, agribusiness and primary industries have seen record growth with a 12% increase in generated revenue to $17.3 billion for 2021-22 in the release of the latest Primary Industries Scorecard.

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Growing SA is back in August 2023

March 19, 2023

South Australia’s premier grain and livestock conference – Growing SA – will return on 30 August 2023 with a new venue and engaging topics. Anticipating 300 attendees, Growing…

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Climate tool for drought resilience updated

March 19, 2023

Climate Services for Agriculture gives Australian farmers an online platform to help prepare for climate variability, providing seasonal forecasts, future climate projections and historical climate data.

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Productivity Commission initiates review of the Future Drought Fund

February 13, 2023

The Australian Government’s Productivity Commission review of the Future Drought Fund. The review will assess the effectiveness of the FDF in supporting farmers and communities to prepare for drought and inform the future direction of the program.

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Mackillop Farm Management Group launches Season 2 of The Prosperous Farmer podcast

February 13, 2023

MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) has launched season 2 of The Prosperous Farmer podcast. If you’re curious about adopting cutting edge cropping and livestock systems based on research this is the show for you!

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Nominations for the 2023 Ag Institute Australia SA Student Award now open

February 6, 2023

Nominations for the 2023 Ag Institute Australia – SA Student Award have opened to recognise a current undergraduate or postgraduate student studying a topic related to agriculture, natural resource management and/or animal science at the University of Adelaide.

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