Ag Excellence strengthens its grower group representation
The recent appointment of four new committee members further validates the important role Ag Excellence (Ag Ex) plays as the peak representative body for the South Australian grower group network.
“Ag Ex continues to strengthen its linkages and collaboration with grower groups in support of the agricultural industry and regional communities, with the aim of driving innovation and adoption of new practices and products”, said Leet Wilksch, Ag Ex Chair.
“We are thrilled to welcome Alice, Jay, Paige, and Sandy to the committee, each bringing their own unique skill set and industry connections”.

Alice Morley, board member and secretary for FSS brings industry knowledge in animal health and livestock agronomy, with direct links to farmers and farmer groups. She is also a small business owner of ‘Small Acres’, providing property and educational services to small property owners.
Jay Cummins provides national and global experience in developing agricultural extension and communication systems for farmers. He has practical experience in developing on-farm-focused extension and communications projects, practical on-farm decision support tools and communication resources.
“The Ag Ex Alliance is a unique organisation, having the interests of farming systems at its heart. I was fortunate a few years ago to have the opportunity to review the effectiveness and future opportunities for farming system groups across SA. It was evident then that the network was extremely proactive with high levels of collaboration. It is now a fantastic opportunity to support Ag Ex in assisting to build the network to the next level,” said Mr Cummins.
Paige Cross has also joined the Ag Ex team, with nearly 20 years experience working within the agricultural and finance sectors throughout Southern and Eastern Australia. She is currently managing multiple projects for MSF and was the recent project manager of AgRi-Silience for the Coo-ee Collective, delivered on behalf of Livestock SA.
Hart Field-Site Group Executive Officer Sandy Kimber said “Hart has been a great supporter of Ag Ex over the years and is thrilled to have the opportunity to broaden her focus and join such a dynamic and purpose-led group”.
Sandy has a background in business management, finance, and administration and also operates a broad-acre farm, vineyard, and photography business in the Clare Valley.
These appointments will further strengthen the linkages and collaboration between Ag Ex and the South Australian grower groups to engage and partner with each other as an influential network.
These independent farmer-driven and managed organisations are the grassroots of the state’s agricultural industry.
Ag Ex Chair Leet Wilksch commended long-serving outgoing committee members Meg Bell and Natalie Sommerville for making an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the long-term strategic goals of Ag Ex.
“Nat has gone above and beyond, dedicating almost a decade to Ag Ex as a valued member and most recently as Vice Chair and Treasurer. Her broad representation on a number of industry bodies has provided important linkages and relationship building opportunities,” said Mr Wilksch.
“Natalie’s generosity and commitment to Ag Ex and its endeavours has been exemplary.”
“Meg has also provided Ag Ex with a number of years of service both in capacity as CEO for Mackillop Farm Management Group and her successful Coleraine Livestock Consulting business.”
“Meg has been a fantastic contributor to Ag Ex, leading the coordination of the EO network with a number of professional development zooms and a face-to-face forum recently held in Adelaide. She will continue in this role over the coming 12 months.”