Ag Ex inaugural chair appointed as SA chair for the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award Alumni committee

Jeanette Long, Ag Ex Inaugural Chair and long-standing committee member has been appointed as South Australia's State Chair of the inaugural AgriFtutres Rural Women's Award Alumni Committee.
Jeanette is a passionate advocate for rural women. Based in SA she farms with her husband, Bill, and son, Will, on Eyre Peninsula and in the Mid North. She works as a facilitator, trainer and coach across Australia and New Zealand, influencing positive change in agriculture as well as working with rural women’s groups. This has included co-facilitating the SA PIRSA funded Stepping into Leadership program for the last nine years.
This exciting new committee was one of the outcomes of working alongside the Rural Women’s Award Alumni Advisory Panel to review data, listen, explore, unpack, and reinvigorate the very important Rural Women’s Award Program.
It was decided that the Committee of State Chairs would replace the Alumni Advisory Panel, with one Chair in each state or territory to champion the Award, grow the profile of the Award and create connections and opportunities for all Alumni.
Each of the State Chairs who have been selected are adaptive and collaborative, and are looking forward to building cohesion within their own state or territory and driving collaboration and information sharing between other states and territories. Each of the women will also be responsible for pulling together their own small State Committee, made up of Alumni volunteers. So, if you are a member of the Rural Women’s Award Alumni and would like to be involved, email us at and we can put you in touch with your respective State Chair.