About Ag Excellence Alliance

Ag Ex was established in 2005 to provide LEADERSHIP, encourage COLLABORATION and INDEPENDENCE in SUPPORT to the farming sector. The COLLECTIVE power of groups is a strong force in influencing and driving positive change in the agricultural sector. Ag Ex is a not-for-profit organisation, existing solely for the benefit of broadacre agriculture.

Ag Ex provides communication services and manages a range of projects that contribute to the profitability and sustainability of farm businesses across southern Australia. Projects are supported by a diversity of funders and are delivered in collaboration with grower groups and other industry partners.

Our Vision

'Thriving grower groups and industry networks driving profitable farming businesses across southern Australia through effective development, extension and adoption'

Our Goals

Ag Ex works with, provides value to and influences a range of partners, including:


Broadacre farmers benefit indirectly through the groups and networks that Ag Ex supports. Ag Ex aims to engage more effectively with growers by:

  • improved engagement with group leaders
  • endorsing the value of grower groups to key stakeholders
  • providing linkages between grower networks

Grower Groups

Ag Ex provides a central portal for grower groups to network, develop and be part of multi-regional and state projects.

It provides leadership for groups to ensure they are recognised and valued by key stakeholders. Other services that Ag Ex provide include:

  • project coordination and management services
  • collation of grower feedback for government and industry to develop funding priorities
  • professional development opportunities


Ag Ex has trusted relationships with a range of funders based on its proven ability to deliver projects on time, specification and budget. It is able to represent regionally based organisations in negotiating larger multi-regional and state projects.


Ag Ex endeavours to develop effective and trusting relationships with a range of industry RD&E providers and funders including: private consultants; Australian & State Governments; Natural Resource Management; Primary Producers SA, Grain Producers SA & Livestock SA; Australian Pacific Extension Network; Universities; and SARDI.


Support Ag Excellence Alliance by becoming a member. Please refer to our membership page for more details.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: The Committee is determined to conduct the affairs of the Organisation in an ethical, fair and transparent manner and in accordance with good corporate governance standards.

The Committee has adopted a number of corporate governance policies which form the basis of a system of control and accountability and is committed to fostering a culture of compliance that values corporate and personal integrity, accountability and continuous improvement.

The Committee welcomes any feedback from Members. If you have any concerns regarding the manner in which the business and the affairs of the Organisation are being conducted please feel free to raise those concerns with the Chair.