Nominations are now open to join the Ag Excellence Alliance Committee

Grower Group and industry reps are invited to nominate for a position on the Ag Excellence Alliance Committee (Ag Ex).

There are two Committee vacancies up for election at the Annual General Meeting to be held via zoom on Monday, 10 August 2020.

Ian McFarland, Sheep Connect SA, has recently resigned from the Committee after many years of valuable service.

Ag Ex Chair Leet Wilksch commended Ian for his efforts, in particular for bringing his broad knowledge and experience of the livestock industry.

The Alliance is highly regarded as a pro-active group in bringing representatives together to achieve greater collaboration and cohesion in information sharing and project delivery.

Ag Ex appreciates the time and financial constraints for some industry bodies to release their personnel and in recognition offers a sitting fee for non-government representatives.

The position of Committee member requires attendance at a minimum of three meetings annually in Adelaide and teleconferences when deemed necessary. It is also essential that potential members take on an advocacy role for Ag Ex goals and deliverables.

With their consent, Nominees can be nominated by two existing Ag Excellence members by completing the form below. In the event that the nominators are not members, a membership form can also be completed online.

NOMINATIONS CLOSE 3pm Friday, 7 August 2020

If you are not registered or featured as a grower group on the Ag Ex website, please scroll to the Member Join button located on the bottom left of the home page. The next step is to apply to be a grower group, confirmation will be subject to the approval of the Ag Ex Committee. Please note it is a prerequisite to be a grower group member to submit an award application.