Opportunity to join the Mid North High Rainfall Zone team

Opportunity to join the Mid North High Rainfall Zone team

The MNHRZ is offering candidates an opportunity to join the team as their Research and Extension Officer (REO).
This new role will be instrumental in developing and implementing local research while being effective at project management and extension to the MNHRZ membership and wider research community.

  • Developing, managing and delivering MNHRZ project activities
  • Implementing local research and generating adoption with effective extension
  • Ensuring MNHRZ is seen as a trusted platform for information sharing
  • Linking farmers with farmers, researchers, agribusinesses and other industry organisations
  • Upholding MNHRZ reputation as a reliable collaborator for research and development with other grower groups and industry bodies
  • Having a presence at events, meetings and from time to time travel to intra-state and interstate locations

For further information and to submit your application contact Jarred Tilley, MNHRZ Chairman on email or 0427 662 056.