Nominations are open for the MFMG board & operations committee

Nominations are open for the MFMG board & operations committee

Are you interested in nominating to be part of the MFMG Board or Operations Committee? There are positions available on both the Board and the Operations Committee:

Board positions:

  • 3 x Primary Producer representatives
  • 1 x Agribusiness representative
Operations Committee positions:
  • Up to 14 Primary Producer representatives (at least 6 nominations are needed)
  • Up to 7 x Specialist representatives (e.g. agronomists, livestock advisors) in sectors that are representative of MFMG's RD&E portfolio and membership base. As the majority of Operations Committee members must be primary producer members the number of specialist representatives is subject to the number of Primary Producer nominations received.
If you'd like more information about nominations, or information about what's involved with being a Board or Operations Committee member, please contact Sally Klose on 0427 829 143.

Nominations close at 7pm on 7 November 2024.