MLA Funding Opportunities for Producer Demonstration Sites

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is committed to partnering with producer groups to achieve improved business profitability and productivity outcomes. Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) aim to increase the rate of adoption of key management practices and technologies that improve business profitability and productivity, by shortening the time lag between technological innovation and adoption of practices by producers at a local level. The PDS program supports groups of livestock producers to adapt, validate and demonstrate the business value of integrating new management practices and associated skills into local farming systems. The key outcome of a PDS is producer adoption of the demonstrated management practices resulting in improved business performance. MLA is calling for preliminary applications for PDS sites related to improved sheep or goat business profitability and productivity to commence between February and May 2016. Funding is available for up to 5 sheep focused and 2‐3 goat focused projects this round. Additional open calls for applications related to sheep and beef businesses and may follow.

Proposals are due by 18 Dec and more information can be found through the below link: