Eyre Peninsula grain producer appointed as SAGIT trustee
Lock based grain producer Andrew Polkinghorne will bring a wide range of skills and expertise to the South Australian Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT) trustee as their latest appointment.
The former Rural Counsellor, farm consultant and current Local Government councillor operates a 7,000 hectare family cropping business at Lock on Central Eyre Peninsula growing wheat, barley, lentils, faba beans and canola.
Mr Polkinghorne will start his term as a trustee this month and is looking forward to the challenge with a wealth of on-the-ground grain industry experience.

“My interest in SAGIT comes from the impact research and development has played in the success and growth of our farming business,” he said.
“I have long seen research and development as something which helps farms prosper.
“The improvements in productivity and management are very often a direct result of research into specific on-farm issues with the research developing the understanding to address those issues.
“I am looking forward to getting across the projects SAGIT has underway and gaining an understanding of how they fit with the various farming systems across the state.”
SAGIT Chair Max Young SAGIT said he welcomed Andrew’s appointment.
“Andrew is well known and respected on the Eyre Peninsula and his extensive experience in the grains industry will be an asset to SAGIT,” he said.
“I’m looking forward to working with Andrew and getting his insights into progressing grains research and development in South Australia.”
Grain Producers SA Chair Adrian McCabe said it is important that grain producers continue to put their hand up to be part of SAGIT.
“The work that SAGIT undertakes is assisting to further grow resilience and innovation in the grain sector in South Australia, so it is important the Trust has experienced grain producers providing advice,” he said.
“Not only does Andrew have lived experience on his family farm but he also brings a wealth of advice around governance being a current councillor and compassion through his work as a rural counsellor.
“I’d encourage more people to consider serving the industry by nominating for SAGIT when any opportunities arise.”
Andrew is currently a Director of grain storage and handling business, T-Ports Pty Ltd, Director of Agricultural Innovation Research Eyre Peninsula (AIREP), which is a farmer organisation that facilitates research and extension on Eyre Peninsula, and an elected member of the District Council of Elliston.
He is also the former General Manager of Farm Services at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus.