Ag Excellence News and Updates

We are proud to once again welcome Award Partner Primary Industries & Regions SA to Forum2021

May 17, 2021
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Hart regional internship planting the seed for careers in grains research

May 5, 2021

A regional internship program being offered in the state’s Mid North is offering agricultural science students a kick-start in a career in applied grains research. For the sixth…

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Agricultural town of the year award

May 5, 2021

The South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities.…

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MSF announces new board of farmer directors

May 5, 2021

Mallee Sustainable Farming is pleased to announce that the 2021-2022 Board of Directors have now been filled. MSF welcomes Nicole Byrnes from New South Wales who has been…

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SPAA is hiring

May 5, 2021

An opportunity is available to join the SPAA team to help increase and enhance Precision Agriculture and AgTech research, extension and adoption activities across the Australian grains, horticulture, sugar…

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SPAA life memberships awarded to staunch supporters

April 20, 2021

  Two staunch supporters of precision agriculture were recognised with life memberships during the SA Precision Ag Expo at Loxton on Thursday, March 25. Mark Branson, of Stockport, and…

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Getting the crop in

March 26, 2021

  This highly anticipated annual event once again attracted huge crowds.. With the aim to help growers head into the 2021 growing season fully-armed with the latest cropping…

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2021-22 funding opportunities available now

March 17, 2021

  The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board is committed to providing support to community groups and individuals who want to make a difference to the management of the…

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Mackillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) is seeking a new CEO

March 30, 2018

Do you know someone who is passionate about regional and industry development? Someone with great governance and financial management skills? Someone who is skilled at working with volunteers in…

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January 6, 2018

The SARDI Review conducted in 2016 confirmed SARDI’s strong reputation for its technical excellence and its significant and important research at the National  and State level. The review recommended…

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