Appointment of new committee member to bring grassroots experience to Ag Excellence

Ms Naomi Scholz was appointed unanimously to the Ag Excellence committee at the recently held Annual General Meeting.
This appointment will further strengthen the linkages and collaboration between Ag Ex and the South Australian Grower Groups to engage and partner with each other as an influential network. These independent farmer-driven and managed organisations are the grassroots of the state’s agricultural industry.
Ms Scholz brings a wealth of experience in RD&E project management having spent more than a decade with SARDI at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre. Leading projects during this time included the Dryland Legume Pasture Systems project and the Stubble initiative.
Most recently she was appointed as Executive Officer of newly formed Ag Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP). An amalgamation of Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation (EPARF) and Lower Eyre Agriculture Development Association (LEADA), AIR EP represents the entire region playing an integral role in the planning and delivery of independent RD&E.
“Ms Scholz is highly regarded throughout the Eyre Peninsula community and the broader South Australian agricultural industry. Her commitment to also advocate for small communities and volunteer on numerous not for profit and sporting groups is honourable”, said Leet Wilksch, Ag Ex Chair.“
Ag Ex continues to go from strength to strength with a number of significant projects currently being implemented including collaboration with the University of Adelaide to engage Tony Randall in the role of South Australian Knowledge Broker as part of a national network”.
The Ag Ex team look forward to welcoming Ms Scholz at the next quarterly committee meeting in November which will be followed by a strategic planning day to commence mapping out the 2022 – 2027 organisational goals.
“ I am excited to work with such a dynamic team of industry colleagues and feel fortunate to play a part in further developing the multi-directional opportunities for information sharing and project delivery,” said Ms Scholz.