Upcoming Events

Lowbank VRT

Waikerie Hotel Motel 2 McCoy Street, Waikerie, SA

Speakers and topics include: Sean  Mason | Agronomy Solutions Findings from 2023 farmer strip trials Starkey & Starick Peter Treloar | Precision Ag Troubleshooting the tech Chris McDonough | Insight Extension for Agriculture The next step onto 2024 and where to from here Harvest Report for Lowbank Ag Bureau Fully catered - includes dinner

Lameroo Easy VRT

Lameroo Sports Club Butler Tce, Lameroo, SA, Australia

Speakers and topics include: Sean  Mason | Agronomy Solutions Findings from 2023 farmer strip trials Starkey & Starick Peter Treloar | Precision Ag Troubleshooting the tech Fully catered - includes…

ABSA Meeting

Faith Lutheran College 16 Maria St, Tanunda, SA

MSF’s Big Day Out! Coomandook

Coomandook Hall Coomandook, SA, Australia

Speakers and topics include: Peter Hayman | SARDI The Risk vs Reward of time of seeding decisions in the Millewa Therese McBeath | CSIRO Where do Long Coleoptiles fit in…

Spray Forum

F.A.R.M. Centre 40 Hanson Street, Freeling, SA

A day of expert speakers and presentations on responsible spray application practices. Lunch and refreshments provided. Free for GPSA members $50 for non-GPSA members

South East Field Days

South East Field Day Site Yakkk Park, Luncindale, SA, Australia

                                    The South East Field Days is a premier two-day agricultural event held…