Upcoming Events

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Next Gen Breakthrough Group

Clare - Venue TBA Clare

Are you on farm, working towards succession, and looking to set your direction for the future? Kicking off in March 2024, Next Gen Breakthrough is a 3-year program developed to…

Grazing management during the non-growing season

Carrieton Club Rooms Wilmington Road, Carrieton

You're invited to a free 2-day workshop run by Dick Richardson to help you maximise profitability while improving pastures. The Northern and Yorke Landscape Board is hosting two 2-day workshops…


AFREN – managing foliar diseases and fungicide resistance workshop

Copper Coast Sports & Leisure Centre 1 Doswell Tce, Kadina

Agronomists and grain growers are invited to discuss the cutting edge of disease and fungicide resistance management in a 2-day GRDC-supported workshop, brought to you by the Australian Fungicide Resistance…


GRDC National Grower Network Forum

Local Farmers Shearing Shed (details provided on registration) Penong

The forum will gather your feedback and input into your local research and extension needs, and consider how GRDC investments could add further value. The forum will provide an update…