Upcoming Events

Lucerne Australia Annual Trial Inspection Morning

Keith - Venue TBA

Inspect the LA Trial site prior to harvest and hear the results of the Herbicide Resistance Screening Project from Dr Peter Boutsalis, Plant Science Consulting

Stop watching land go saline…Lets fix it!

Alawoona Institute Karoonda Highway, Alawoona

This workshop will provide the tools to bring saline land back to production. You will learn how to install a piezometer, test your water salinity and develop a personalised management…

GRDC SPAA Variable Rate Technology Workshop – Crystal Brook

Crystal Brook Football Club Railway Tce, Crystal Brook

The 2023 SPAA Precision Ag Expo, Thurs 2nd March 2023 follows the GRDC VRT Crystal Brook workshop, held on Wed 1 March 2023. The 2023 SPAA Precision Ag Expo will…

Managing Soil Acidity Workshop

Eyre Business High Street, Kimba

This event has a limited number of places. Registration is essential.