MNHRZ Spring Field Day
6 October 2023 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
This day which supports grain growers, hay producers, and livestock farmers will commence at the Frost Learning Centre, Sod Hut Road Farrell Flat at 9:00 am and then will continue onto The Navan Hay Shed at Giles Corner via the trials at Merilden.
Our Lunchtime session which includes our AGM will start at 12:00 with guest speakers Dr Michael Nash speaking of the Slug & Bug Fest of 2023 and Dr Theresa McBeath of CSIRO presenting on N Banking in the high rainfall zone.
Our range of trial site speakers includes Dr Kenton Porker of CSIRO, Ben Smith Agrilink, and Dr Penny Roberts Dylan Bruce of SARDI/PIRSA covering the Frost trials and Pulses, Cereals, and Nitrogen.
9 am – Frost Learning Centre Sod Hut Rd, Farrell Flat,
12 noon Lunch and Shed Session, Connell’s Hay Shed, Navan
2:00 pm – Giles Corner, Barrier Highway
Commencement location will be dependent on the weather and at the time of writing will start at the railway line on Sod Hut Road, Farrell Flat
9:00 am
Phenology sown April – an interesting discussion on temperature sensitive varieties, seeing as how the crop is now at this of writing (June) is at GS 30!
+ Delay Reset and Stubble, Wheat and Barley Varietal Mix, Frosted Seed and Variety TOS Trial, Product trial, PGR Trial, Dual Purpose Demo, Seeding Rate x Nitrogen Canopy Trial, Biological Trial, Adjuvant Trial, Herbicide Trial, Safflower Rotation Trial, Stubbles, Dual Purpose
11:00 am
Frost Avoidance and Mitigation Project, Intercropping and Pulse time of Sowing trials
Merilden SHO Safflower and Pasture Trials
11:30 depart for 12:00 noon – Connells Hay Shed, Navan
12 noon
Lunch supplied
12:30 pm
Dr Michael Nash – Slugs: What’s the go with snails that have lost their homes in 2023.
Dr Theresa McBeath CSIRO – Nitrogen Bank in the High Rainfall Zone
2:00 pm
Giles Corner Trial Site – Barrier Hwy 300 m south of Navan Rd
Pulse Protein
Cereal Trials
Canola Systems and Glypho Technology Trials
Pasture Trials
Nitrogen Trials
InterGrain New Barley Variety Launch