GRDC National Grower Network Grower Forum
4 September 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Come join us for a pub meal, share your ideas for research investment, hear about GRDC projects in your region, and hear from awesome speakers!
The Grower Network Forum is designed for GRDC to hear directly from you about the local grain production challenges and opportunities for research development and extension. You will hear about what GRDC is currently investing grower levies in, and can provide direction on where you think it should be most effectively spent to improve your bottom line.
The forum also will feature guest speakers:
- Dr Mick Rose (NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regions), will explore the persistence of residual herbicide in soil and the impacts on crop seedlings.
- Casey Doolette and Jowenna Sim (University of South Australia), will present the pesticide effects on soil microbial functions in SA soils.
- Sam Trengove (Trengove Consulting), will provide a powdery Mildew Update considering the current state of play with resistance development and management tactics.
For more information on NGN forums.
Note registration is essential for catering purposes. Please bring your laptop or tablet for use during the workshop session. Devices will also be provided.
All growers, advisers, agronomists, researchers and grains industry representatives are invited to attend.