Grain Legume Crop Walk & Risk Management Workshop
14 September 2023 @ 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Helping maximise farming system benefits from grain legumes in the SA Mallee.
- The Grain Legume Spoke site has been moved to Coomandook.
- Assessment of Faba Bean and Lentil crop responses to different trace elements across variable soil types, a mid-slope, and rocky flat within the same paddock.
- Demonstration of risk pre-emergent herbicide use on lentil and faba bean crops over varied soil types.
- Demonstrate lentil and vetch variety performances across varied soil types.
- Sean Mason, Agronomy Solutions, will discuss trace element and nutrition management on variable soils.
Join us back at the Peake Sporting Clubrooms for lunch and an interactive session with Peter Hayman, Principal Scientist in Climate Applications (SARDI) on managing risks vs rewards. How to adapt your thinking on growing legumes and other big decisions – GRDC’s new RiskWi$e project.