SA Parliamentary Friends of Grain launched

SA Parliamentary Friends of Grain launched

For the first time, a South Australian Parliamentary Friends of Grain Group (Group) has been established with the aim to celebrate the multi-billion-dollar grain industry and continue to highlight to politicians the importance of the sector to the state’s economy.

This bi-partisan initiative, co-chaired by Eddie Hughes MP and the Hon Nicola Centofanti MLC, brings together key representatives from across the grain supply chain, including producers, marketers, exporters, researchers and industry leaders. The Group was launched at an event at Parliament House in Adelaide last week hosted by Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, the Hon Clare Scriven MLC.

The establishment of the Group was driven by Grain Producers SA (GPSA) to highlight the importance of the South Australian grain industry.

GPSA Chair John Gladigau said having a formal group like the Parliamentary Friends of Grain will help facilitate meaningful engagement between producers and the supply chain and decision-makers and aid in addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities facing the sector.

“It’s not often that representatives from across the South Australian grain industry supply chain get together and acknowledge the outstanding work that is being done in the sector. The Parliamentary Friends of Grain Group provides a unique opportunity to network and share our story with many politicians from across all parties,” Mr Gladigau said.

Minister Scriven, who hosted the launch event at Parliament House, acknowledged the vital role the grain industry plays to the state’s economy and regional communities.

"South Australia’s grain producers are leaders in innovation, sustainability, and export success. This Group will enhance our ability to work together on policy development that ensures the continued growth and resilience of the sector. I’m proud to support this initiative and I congratulate GPSA for the foresight in bringing this to fruition," Minister Scriven said.

Co-chair of the group, Hon Nicola Centofanti MLC, reinforced the importance of building stronger connections between Parliament and the grain industry.

"The Parliamentary Friends of Grain Group will create new opportunities for collaboration between the industry and our state’s lawmakers. By strengthening these relationships, we can work together to assist in not only better understanding the sector but helping to secure the future of this essential industry in the face of challenges" Mrs Centofanti said.

The Group aims to host at least two formal events per year, with a larger gathering to be scheduled at Parliament House in Adelaide for early 2025.

The focus for the Group will be on highlighting the industry's importance to South Australia, showcasing its success stories, discussing challenges and innovation and promoting the critical role of research, development, and extension in ensuring its sustainability.